clone windows 10

Forum discussion tagged with clone windows 10.
  1. R

    Question Cloned SSD

    My olds 250gb SSD where my OS was installed is now missing after cloning it to a new 1tb SSD. Not sure why but the system recognizes it is there but not showing up not sure what to do really.
  2. R

    Question Need some help with OS

    My OS SSD is at 25% on CrystalDiskInfo.... I dont know whether or not that is super bad. It is old so I get it but yea. I dont know if I have any backups or recovery and I dont know what I need to really do to recover my data or any files. I dont know much at all about the software side of PCs...
  3. V

    [SOLVED] Just Make Me a Copy Please!

    If you can look below, you will see an Ultra II SSD. This lived in a PC from 3 years ago. I loaded Windows 10 on this while I was investigating whether or not my Evo 970 was the culprit with Blue Screening. It ended up being one of two memory modules listed below. What is cool is that G...