Connection Drop Out

Forum discussion tagged with Connection Drop Out.
  1. C

    Question Wifi mesh recommendations

    Hi everybody, I'm just looking for a bit of advice for a first time wifi mesh setup. Currently with virgin media on the hub 3.0 and the router is sat on the other side of the house. It's not practical to run an ethernet cable all around the house to different devices. I've tried a range...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] Wifi dropping out (New PC Build)

    Hey guys, I've just last week built this new pc and been having this issue where my wifi keeps dropping off for like 5/10 seconds every so often. I'll be playing a game or on a discord call and the call will go silent for that time and i'll disconnect from game servers. Now the weird thing is...
  3. H

    How to boot in Windows 7?

    i'm gonna dual boot Windows 7 and XP. but i don't know what is the meaning of Boot XP install. i don't know how to do that one. I have Gigabyte 3D Bios. i Have USB. i know everything except the part to "boot" please help