corsair cx750m

Forum discussion tagged with corsair cx750m.
  1. H

    Question Damaged PSU?

    Hello, just bought a CX750M grey label. Installed yesterday, tough everything was fine since there was no crashes, no reboots, played a little lol at night, everything was fine, even today i played CoD about an hour and a half, yet no problems. After that i tried to do some fan adjustments via...
  2. Z

    Need better graphics cards?

    I do a lot of CAD and video rendering. Worth the money to upgrade graphics cards & to what? ROG Crosshair V Formula-z MOBO AMD FX-8370 8-core Black Edition CPU CoolMaster 1000W RS-A00-EMBA PSU ASUS PB278Q 2560 X 1440 2 XFX Radeon HD 6950 in Crossfire