cpu fan noise

Forum discussion tagged with cpu fan noise.
  1. HCTree

    Question Gtx 1060 fans turning on and off. Second fan loose and squeaking.

    Sorry in advance to those who had already read this as it was a thread related to my cpu cooler, as I thought that was the issue. But then I looked under my gpu to discover a loose fan. So now my question is: Is there a way to turn off the fans for the meanwhile? They are turning on and off and...
  2. K

    [SOLVED] Thermaltake Water 3.0 Ultimate Fan Problems/Replacement

    Hey everyone, I'm currently using a Thermaltake Water 3.0 Ultimate as my CPU cooler but I am noticing that the middle fan is making a very irritating noise whenever it spins. If I place my finger on the fan to prevent it from spinning, the noise stops. Also, I have found that applying pressure...