cursor has a mind of its own

Forum discussion tagged with cursor has a mind of its own.
  1. N

    Question cursor acts like it weighs a lot and I can't control movement for 1-2 minutes

    On my Dell Latitude E4310 laptop running Fedora 39 Linux Workstation edition or earlier versions, intermittently the cursor acts like it's physically heavy and it slides rather fast and obliquely straight to the screen's top right corner. I struggle to control its movement with the touchpad or...
  2. M

    Question Mouse cursor goes crazy

    My Toshiba Satellite has developed a problem where the mouse cursor suddenly jumps to the top left corner of my screen and starts clicking on whatever is there. I can't control it no matter what I do. This happens whether I'm using the internal touchpad or a wireless mouse and keyboard. I've...
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Model 0- wont work please help

    I preorded the glorious model 0- from OverClockers UK and it came today i tested it on multiple computers and the same issue happened, i also downloaded the latest version of the software but what happens is when ever i lift my mouse my cursor on screen goes to the top of the screen and this...
  4. C

    Question Trackpad Jerks and Flicks (Possibly Moisture?)

    Hey all, I'm on a Thinkpad T470 (MSInfo below) that I use for hobbies and personal use, and for my writing work when I have the energy for it. Most of the time it works like a dream, especially after installing an SSD, but since I've bought it, I've had this strange and really specific...
  5. O

    Using ssd for windows + what will happen to the primary drive i used

    Hi, i have a question about installing a ssd as primary storage for windows. What will happen to the primary hdd i used for windows and other storage. I don't want to loose those files. Thank you for looking up to it!