custom water cooling loop

Forum discussion tagged with custom water cooling loop.
  1. skulish

    [SOLVED] Custom water loop build

    Hi folks, I am trying to build my first water loop and I need some help with components. CPU - i9-12900k GPU - gigabyte 3080 ti gaming oc 12gb Case - Thermaltake Level 20 HT For CPU waterblock I am choosing between - Corsair Hydro X Series XC7 RGB PRO and EK-Quantum Velocity D-RGB - Nickel +...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Custom Water loop temps

    I recently just re-worked my custom water cooling loop. I am curious as to why my CPU temp reads 10-12°C higher then GPU. To get some context of the loop. It splits coming out of the pump and goes to the CPU and GPU on their own line. (I have had it like this for years now with no major temp...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Where can I find the parts for this Water Cooling CPU?

    View: CPU is i7-3770, SR0PK, 3.40GHZ MB is in image Please, I need to know what parts would be compatible and what brand this is (For Heat Sink+Valve) and if possible a link to where I can make a purchase. You can see the brand on the sink. Left most valve is...
  4. Rayven2

    GPU Driver Support

    Hey all, So I’m slowly making plans on migrating to a Linux/GNU OS, however I can’t seem to find driver support for my GPU (It was expected). Are there any particular distros with generic drivers that give basic functionality? (As I still haven't chosen a distro). I really want to avoid...