
Forum discussion tagged with dilemma.
  1. anonsky

    Question Should I upgrade to AM5 or no?

    My GPU is blocking my SATA ports and my ram has problems, I want to fix these issues by buying a new motherboard and ram but with the presence of AM5 it makes me question whether it would be worth it at all. Sure it's cheaper to just buy new parts as opposed to upgrading to AM5 but I feel like...
  2. Huzaifa12345

    Question What should i buy?

    Hey everyone, Right now i own pentium g3240 3.1ghz dual core processor and i am going to buy a graphic card, i am confused between gt 1030 and gtx1050ti as i am getting gt 1030 at 6500INR and gtx 1050ti at 9500INR. So i only want to ask that which one should i buy for a decent gaming...
  3. J

    BIOS Issues with ASUS M5A78L-M Plus/USB3

    I wanted to upgrade my CPU. In order to do so i needed to change my motherboard. My new CPU is the AMD FX 8350. Whenever i start up my computer it says that i have a CPU and makes me choose to set it up or load default values which ignores all the settings i put in previously. Every time i boot...
  4. L

    Is it possible that the computer consumes so little power?

    I found this article on the web https://www.saznajnovo.com/2013/04/proverite-koliko-struje-potrosi-vas-racunar/ and following instructions I calculate that my PC cost me around 170€ per year (with monitors). Is it possible that the computer consumes so little power? It's realy cheap, right? Also...
  5. C

    Gaming pc problems

    Here's my situation. I have a Toshiba Satellite p50-b laptop It's very capable, but since i'm playing a lot of games, it has started to show signs of over-stress (occasional crashes, display faults, etc.) My solution is to separate my work and play to two different computers. Get a...
  6. G

    Radiator or fans ?

    Hi, I want to build a custom PC, But before i buy stuff i want to know, Should I use fans or radiator ? This might help I want a hardcore gaming PC. And I want to know if these cases support radiators : 1 : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16811144286 2 ...
  7. G

    How to install window 7 ulitmate to a PC with no operation system

    Got my new gmaing pc yesterday, has no opereation system how do i install window7 onto it
  8. M

    Would This Work

    I have been wondering If this would work as a Computer? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/yJDgFT :) Just making Sure
  9. R

    Asus GTX 760 2 gb Should i ?

    With that graphic should i be able to run new games on ultra like Metal Gear Solid V GTAV Dead Rising 3 Dead island 2 ? i have fx 6300 8gb Ram 1tb 1920 x 1080 Monitor