Hello. It's been a while since I posted but I have recently ran into a problem that just has me lost. I have a Dell 9570 with the GTX 1050 TI MaxQ. This morning I was greeted by boot loops and nothing seemed to prevail so I pulled out a stick of ram and tried running one stick. The system...
Recently I have had driver crashing issues/GPU hangs after consulting a few forums I updated my MB bios and it seemed to have cleared but it returned again anymore advice?
Pc Specs:
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: XFX RX 5700
MB: Asus prime B450-a
Ram: 16gb DDR4 2666MHZ
SSD: 1 TB Samsung
Power supply...
I plan to use core i5 6500, GTX 960, and 8 GB of RAM for my next build. Is there any performance or stability impact in my PC if i'm using low end chipset like h110? this PC is literally for gaming (no overclock).