DVD Burner

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with DVD Burner.
  1. L

    What should I upgrade first, my gpu, or my cpu?

    So I have a Intel Pentium G3258 and a PNY GT610. I plan on getting either a i7 4770k or a 4790k and a GTX 970. Which cpu has the best price to performance, and should I upgrade the cpu first, or the gpu. My Specs: Intel Pentium G3258 Asrock Z97 Extreme 4 PNY GT610 Corsair CX500
  2. O

    Another GTX 960 (Zotac) and PSU questions thread.

    I recently purchased a Zotac GTX 960 (ZT-90308-10M), My Current PSU is a 460 Watt by Cooler Master. It does not have an 8-pin PCI-e power connector. and thus I believe I need to upgrade my PSU. (Rather than buy a molex to 8 pin, as there is only one 6 pin for 6 to 8 pins....) I watched a video...
  3. I

    Vizio E32-C1 refresh rate

    So I have a Vizio E32-C1 TV and am using it as my monitor. I have heard rumors of this TV being capable of 120hz effective refresh rate and I'm not sure if this is some marketing scheme or if this is real. And if this is real, is there some way to adjust it in the settings to up the refresh rate?
  4. M

    Trying to update BIOS but it's for an older OS

    My computer is getting pretty old, It's a HP pavilion a6120.me. So I decided to overclock the CPU just to squeeze out some extra performance from its 2GHz core 2 duo. I loaded into the Bios as usual only to find that the options for overclocking have been grayed out and that my bios is locked...
  5. C

    PC Randomly Shutdown in game!

    Hi I know this question has been asked many times and many question has been solved. But i just want to make sure what is the problem with my system. My system shutdown and restart when i'm playing Witcher 3 and Crysis 3. I have been monitoring my Temp and i found out the temp is normal. CPU -...
  6. U

    How is Build?

    Just wanted to post one more time to get anymore feedback, I think I am set on this. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/tcVqCJ Is everything compatible and should I purchase anything else with this or change anything? NOTE: I already have an SSD. NOTE: This computer will run by hardwired connection.
  7. F

    Club 3D GPU fan problem

    I've had my Club 3D AMD 7800 series card for a couple of years. Lately I started noticing that my fan is not starting up when it's on auto. When I switch to manual in only works if I set it to 100%, but that's too loud for comfort. I tried re-installing the software, taking the GPU out, cleaning...
  8. moondawg009

    GPU upgrade question (980ti)

    Hi everyone, Within the next couple days I plan on upgrading to a 980ti from my current 770. I was looking on Newegg and there seems to be a ton of different variants for the EVGA 980ti series. Since some of these do vary a bit in price I was curious if there was really a big difference...
  9. T

    Cannot Open File Explorer

    I'm on Windows 10 and this os brought me nothing but problems. The first one was Steam window not opening when I tried to launch it (reinstalling fixed it). Now the same thing happens to file explorer. I try to click it and it opens but the window doesn't appear at all (it shows the desktop when...
  10. FriendlyMelon

    Do I have enough power?

    Hey, I currently have an I5-4440 @3.10GHz (socket LGA 1150), 8GB of RAM (2x4GB, don't have any spare slots), I have a standard motherboard (MS-7848, made by MEDION) and my current graphics card is a Nvidia geforce gtx770 2GB, and I'm looking to upgrade to a MSI Geforce GTX 970 and I currently...
  11. M

    Fallout 4 video card

    What would you suggest (under $200.00) for a video card to play Fallout 4 with this APU, AMD A10-5800K AMD A10-5800K Trinity Quad-Core 3.8 GHz with DirectX 11 Graphic AMD Radeon HD 7660D 8GB RAM
  12. threebills11

    4790k comfortable overclock question

    so heres my story,i wanted to ask for opinions on this. I will put the build below to know everything,but this is the question. I overclocked my 4790k to 4.6 ghz at 1.28 volts.....temps on game load are 62-68 cel...i know this to be acceptable being under 70 cel,but when i go down to 4.4 ghz at...
  13. A

    Unable to access the homegroup

    Hi All, I am trying to access my windows 7 laptop which is on the same wireless network from my windows 10 laptop. I am using the home group option in Windows to do this. I am creating a home group in Windows 7 and when I try to connect to this home group from my Windows 10 laptop I do not see...
  14. C

    What GPU should I get with €200 ?

    Title says it all, don't worry about my other specs I have a big enough PSU and it won't be bottlenecked or anything :) My preferred website is dabs.ie and I will be looking to use it for gaming
  15. S

    HDD to SDD Cloning-related issue

    Hey guys, I'm writing this after failing to find an answer to my problem. I have purchased recently an SSD (Transcend model TS128GSSD370S), which I have inserted into the optical bay (DVD) of my notebook. I used Macrium Reflect to clone part of the HDD's OS (including reserved partition, system...
  16. M

    Which wifi cards can I upgrade mine to?

    Hello! I would like to upgrade my 802.11b laptop wifi mini pcie card to a stronger/better one. I am not entirely sure which ones I can use for this? Could anyone help me find potential wifi cards to use? Thank you! Maxence
  17. JerrWolf

    What is the $20 difference between these besides OC?

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121972 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121979 I see there is a 190 difference in Effective Memory Clock as well. Should I wait for this $20 more expensive card or get the other one?
  18. J

    PC building store

    Is there a good store or company where i can give them a list with my custom pc parts and they can buy the parts and build it for me?? Thanks
  19. D

    Help with setup. DD-WRT on Linksys w/ OpenVPN as second wireless router. Primary is ISP provided Livebox 2.

    I am attempting to setup an OpenVPN router for my home. My ISP has provided me with a Livebox 2. My goal is to be able to connect via my OpenVPN service with all of the devices in my home. The ISP router is not up to the task. Unfortunately, DSL is the only choice for broadband on this little...
  20. S

    Buying a graphics card and a motherboard

    What is the best graphics card and motherboard for my pc having an intel processor i3 2120. I want a graphics card which cost less than Rs15000 and the motherboard less than 10000 which is compatible with my pc and does not bottleneck it
  21. D

    plis I nid video driver's for intel(R) 915G/915GV/910GL graphics chip

    Why can I download video card driver's for intel(r) 915G/915GV/910GL graphics chip
  22. J

    Assistance with choosing a case!

    So basically, the current components I am running are: ASUS P8Z77-V LX Motherboard Corsair H105 Liquid Cooler 16gb of Ram Intel i7 3770k And I think at the moment that is the only info you guys will need. What I am asking is for anyones input on a case that is relatively cheap, and practical...
  23. F

    Motherboard and CPU Combination for $350 or Less

    I am upgrading my current gaming rig and I'm looking for a new CPU and Motherboard. Right now I have an Athlon X4 760K, 550W PSU, NVIDEA GTX 970 GPU, and 16 Gigs DDR3 RAM. I am looking for an i7 with hyperthreading that will do good with video editing and rendering. I use Adobe Premier for this...
  24. X

    asus 7950 stuck at 300 mhz

    I am getting terrible performance with my 7950... I went into afterburner to monitor the usage settings, and my clock didnt get over 300 mhz while in tomb raider. with nothing running in the background, it runs at 300 mhz as well. any ideas on how to fix this "locking" of the gpu/base clock?
  25. H

    Xbox One is the best!!!

    The xbox one is the best console ever. PC doesn't even come close to surpassing its glory!!! Assassins creed unity runs at a silky smooth 30 fps!!!
  26. B

    i5 2500k GPU Upgrade Help!

    Currently I have a gtx 660 from evga its 2gb and i saw that the gtx 960 has 4gbs so i could have 2 screens but i still wanted to know if the 960 would bottleneck thanks :) Edit: The Cpu is At 3.4ghz
  27. D

    MSI ATX DDR3 2133 970 GAMING motherboard, Is this mobo and a amd fx 6300 cpu a good combo?

    I am building a new pc used primarily for gaming (and some photoshop + 3d designing). I am trying to figure out if this motherboard (MSI ATX DDR3 2133 Motherboard 970 GAMING) is compatible (without bottle-necking) with the cpu (amd fx 6300 or 8320). Is this a good combo to go with? if not, is...
  28. steven37

    Still a good build today?

    I put this computer together on Pcpartpicker a while back and i was just wondering if it's still really good if not the best still today. If we could keep it the same but maybe a little cheaper or keep price the same that would be nice. but if it's still the best for the price then i guess we...
  29. N

    GTX970 or 290x?

    Dear community, i'm asking for your advice. By now i have the following config: Core i5 2550 3,4 GHz, ga-67x-ud3-b3, GF 560 Ti, 8 Gb ram. I want to replace my GPU with either GTX970 or 290x. I read somewhere that 290x will suit more for the systems with low CPU (Mine is not that new). So which...
  30. M

    How to fix a RAM memory leak

    Hey guys. For 2 months or so i am expieriencing low memory messages on my PC. When i look up it says i use 7 out of the 8 Gigs of RAM, that i have installed. I checked up really quickly my Task Manager and i didnt say any big programs using a lot of memory. So what i did is just calculated the...
  31. D

    Max out Skyrim

    How can i get 50 fps on skyrim with max settings on everything and even HD textured mods??Good GPU FOR THIS Specs: AMD ATHLON II X4 635 2.9ghz ASROCK AMD 880GM-LE 4gb ram Corsair 450w 1024 768 resolution
  32. A

    Help with Rust fps GTX 760

    I have an over clocked 8320 (4.0ghz) and 16gb ram, with a 2gb MSi 760 Twin frozr. I updated drivers, turned settings down, and more but I still have 30fps. People with 270x and even cards that are worse get 40+ fps. I can't get a straight answer. Is it the game? is it my pc? thank you in advance
  33. ArturNo

    Is this a Great Build for Gaming?

    I want to make a top gaming pc and after doing some research and checking what the best online store that ships to where I live had, I made this build http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/4mwQxr CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (£181.00 @ Amazon UK) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper...
  34. S

    does intel DH61WW supports EFI/UEFI boot??

    I want to know that my motherboard Intel DH61WW supports the EFI/UEFi boot?
  35. Y

    Small squares cover the screen when I play games

    My new computer gets small squares all over the screen when i play games. the gpu is an EVGA 4gb Geforce GTX 760. The computer is brand new and was built by Fry's Electronics, though that process was a nightmare, and this computer has had no end of problems. Is there anything i can do to fix...
  36. I

    PSU upgrade question

    Hello everyone. I have ordered parts for my new rig and am waiting for their arrival. Just a couple of things got me worried.. First of all, here is what I have: - fx-6300 - Gigabyte GA-78LMT-USB3 Micro ATX AM3+ Motherboard - EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card - 1x G.SKILL Ripjaws 4GB DDR3...
  37. nb7760

    Sudden surges in CPU temperatures

    So I have an i7 4790k, a CM 212X, and Arctic Silver 5 in my system. My idle temps are fine (29-30C), but I've been getting random surges in CPU temps (going from idle 30C to around 40-45C in less than a second). I have no idea what is going on. Is there something wrong with my CPU, or is it...
  38. S

    Corsair Vengeance @ 1333

    Ok here's the system gigabyte ga-78lmt-s2 mobo Amd FX8150 CPU Corsair Vengeance 8 gb 4x2 AMD FX 6870 GPU My bios doesn't recognize ram as the 1600 which is normal as I've read and my bios settings allow my to change settings if I keep everything at auto and just change clock to achieve 1600...
  39. ribpeal

    How many Watts for PSU

    Any help would be appreciated! :) These are the specs: SAPPHIRE Vapor-X R9 270X (GPU) ASUS A88X-PLUS (Mobo) AMD A8-7600 - 3.1GHz, Quad Core (CPU) Corsair Vengeance 2x8GB DDR3 (RAM) WD Mainstream 1TB 7200RPM (HDD) ASUS DRW-24F1SR (DVD-RW Optical Drive)
  40. Z

    Which GPU to buy

    Well, here I am again. Had built my pc. Specs in short: 1. Core i3 4150 2. 4 GB RAM 3. GIGABYTE B85M-D3H 4. WD 1TB HDD Now, suggest me a gpu with which I can get the best performance. TIA