Forum discussion tagged with DXGKRNL.
  1. mikejlunt

    Question Slow to Boot

    I've searched around a bit and found a few mostly similar cases to mine, and when I've gone through the troubleshooting suggestions none of them have worked. My home built PC has been booting slower than normal for some time now. It's gone from booting in maybe 10 seconds to 2 or 3 minutes. The...
  2. Meowcapone

    Question Persistent "Video dxgkrnl Fatal Error" BSOD on Gigabyte Aorus 15XE4 Laptop ?

    Hey everyone, I've been dealing with a recurring and frustrating issue on my Gigabyte Aorus 15XE4 laptop and could really use some expert insights to help me out. The problem starts with black screens flashing intermittently, eventually leading to a dreaded " Video dxgkrnl Fatal Error " BSOD...
  3. E

    Question High nvlddmkm.sys DPC count and execution ms

    Hi, I've been having this issue for the past few months which comes on and off. More often than not, it's off. I just installed a new set of ram (2x16gb corsair vengeance rgb pro) and now it's back again. What I notice in task manager is that whenever I try to do ANY simple task (scrolling on...
  4. S

    Case without a grounding wire?

    The PC cases I've bought in the past have always had a little black (ground) wire coming from the front I/O module that I have always attached to one of the PSU mounting screws. However, I just bought a cheap little Corsair case (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139041)...