
Forum discussion tagged with earth.
  1. alif.ashf

    [SOLVED] Mild shock from case and PSU of my first build. What could be the reason?

    After my first build, My PC case gives me a mild shock when I touch. I tried using a UPS, plugging the PC to a different wall socket and, taking the PSU out of the case, but nothing seemed to resolve the issue. I have noticed that touching the MoBo also gives me the shock. So what could be the...
  2. A

    Transferring Large Files from Windows 98 Desktop to Modern Computer

    I'm trying to move a large number of emails from the 90s/early 2000s from a Packard Bell running Windows 98 to a modern computer. The AOL Personal Filing Cabinets I need are far too massive for any floppy disk or email (not that the old computer can connect these days), and of course this is pre...