enermax liqtech ii 360

Forum discussion tagged with enermax liqtech ii 360.
  1. J

    Question High temperatures 1950x

    I have a 1950x (NOT OC all default) and a 2 or 4 moths ago temp were around 25c just start the PC temp show in the bios, HwinFO64, Aida etc all show same temp. Enermax Liqtech tr4 ii 360 (time with me 1 year and 2 moths). Case Corsair 900D. Motherboar Asus Zenith Exteme. Last bios Update...
  2. S

    Question I bought 3 new high-end Static Pressure Case Fans, should I make them pushing air into radiator or pulling?

    Hello all, I have a 9900k and I currently have this 360mm AIO liquid cooler: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835214096&Description=liqtech&cm_re=liqtech-_-35-214-096-_-Product I have a huge PC case that can fit 3 more fans on the other side of the AIO radiator so I...
  3. S

    Question Is it normal to not feel the air flow on the other side of a AIO radiator while your fans are blowing that direction?

    Hello all, I just bought this AIO: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835214096&Description=liqtech%20ii&cm_re=liqtech_ii-_-35-214-096-_-Product I have my fans set up like this [>>>>>3-Fans Blowing Direction>>>>>] [360mm radiator] However, after I turn my PC on with my...
  4. S

    Question If I buy this AIO CPU Cooler, will it fit the front top of my PC super tower case or its TOO BIG?

    Hello all, I am looking to buy this AIO CPU Cooler by Enermax: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835214096&ignorebbr=1 I have this Super Tower PC Case by Thermaltake...