
Forum discussion tagged with eventviewer.
  1. Milan0308

    Question Application controll error 1000 rocket league

    I have a problem that Rocket League throws this error randomly. Usually I close the game smoothly and then I start it again smoothly and then I feel that the game is slower and the input lag is also slower. Then after that it randomly doesn't throw the error. This is Windows 11 24H2 installed a...
  2. MrBurton

    Question Sudden Restarts | Windows Event Viewer

    Hi all, I have been having sudden restarts on my system for a few months now. Everything was fine last month but the issue started again. Any ideas? I don't get any blue screens, just shuts off and restarts, the EZDebug light for the CPU comes on when it happens. After checking the event...
  3. kcortez21

    Question How do fix these BSODs ?

    okay so i started to get bsods in December of 2023. Since then they have continued no matter what i seem to do. Its never when I'm gaming, only when my pc is idling. I often wake up to see a BSOD on my screen so its happening while i sleep. Because of my job i cannot shut my pc off during the...
  4. M

    Question A fatal hardware error has occurred.

    Hi, I'm bit of a noob in terms of event viewer. I had quite a few apps open and was playing a game (battlefield 2042). The fps didnt drop or anything then the pc shuts down for no reason. I checked in event viewer. This is what it showed me: A fatal hardware error has occurred. Reported by...
  5. B

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Event Viewer Error 10016/10010/7023

    Hi I have a Dell XPS 9365, Docked on WD15 The laptop has been great, but since new had the occasional BSOD, Dell came replaced Mobo and SSD, but the issue has happened randomly since According to events viewer, I have event id 10016 10010 7023 over 20,000 times each occurring every 2 minutes...
  6. N

    Question AMP PPC Event id 0?

    So when I log into my pc I get this event on the Application section of Event Logs and tagged as information. What is prompting this notification and do I need to be concerned?