fail to post

Forum discussion tagged with fail to post.
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Black screen on boot, need multiple manual power downs and restarts to post?

    Hi all, I have been suffering from a perplexing issue with my PC for over a year now, and I have no idea what to do. To summarize: nearly every time I power on my PC, all components will power up, LEDs will turn on, keyboard and mouse will light up, but the monitor will remain black. I then...
  2. Maryethu

    Question Upgraded to Ryzen 5 3600, PC now fails to POST with 3600 AND 1400

    Just to start, I now realize I have already made a pretty major mistake by not flashing my bios before installing the new cpu, but alas I'm already far past that point. My computer used to have a Ryzen 5 1400, and this morning my new cpu arrived so I immediately powered off the pc and threw it...