failing ssd

Forum discussion tagged with failing ssd.
  1. ZA_Master

    [SOLVED] SSD not letting write data more than 13%-15% of its 1TB capacity

    Hey people, I bought this SSD online worth half the price (it was a discounted offer, so I thought it was maybe legit, foolish of me of course) It has 1 TB capacity, but it doesn't let me download or copy data onto it if it's filled up more than 120 GB and causes my PC to freeze if I further try...
  2. B

    From gtx 660 to gtx 970...Different connectors?

    I see the gtx 970 has more connectors then the gtx 660. But is that optional or will it be powered by desame connector as the gtx 660? If i need to use both i guess i have to get a different PSU lol.