Feature Requests

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Feature Requests.
  1. G

    Still Can't run Promlink for Data IO 29b in XP

    Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade.collecting (More info?) Still Can't run Promlink for Data IO 29b in XP I still get the error 11 occured in module main at address 3992:0067 Press any Key to continue then exits Does anyone know the fix for this?, I have installed the patch...
  2. G

    Bungie started it...

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.xbox (More info?) First Bungie does I Love Bees, now Microsoft does Our Colony? What are they trying to say about XBox gamers? :p Jonah Falcon
  3. G

    YAFVP - High elven archer

    Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.adom (More info?) It has been somewhat quiet here in r.g.r.a, so I'll make some noise by delurking with yet-another-first-victory-post, playing ADOM 1.1.1. Screenshot as a spoiler space...
  4. G

    Can someone post a nice summary of 360?

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.xbox (More info?) Ok I could not watch it. Can someone tell me : 1. Is 360 going to be backwards compatible? 2. Does it have a built in 802.11? ( I was planning to buy an adapter for my current xbox, but if the next one has a built in, I will wire it up...
  5. G

    PAINKILLER BOOH install oddness

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?) Ive had the original PAINKILLER since it came out....installed to a folder "e:\games3\painkiller".....a while back I changed my Hard discs and all the drv. letters got moved as they do ...I copied PAINKILLER to someother location...
  6. G

    Autoland Feature

    Archived from groups: alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim (More info?) Hi Everyone where is it possible or is it possible to get the autoland feature for flight sim for free, i use atuopilot but would like to use the autoland feature instead. thanks for your help Cameron
  7. G

    EQ nostalgia

    Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?) It's been a while since I saw the link posted, so I thought I'd throw it out there. I go back and watch this video from time to time... http://home.att.ne.jp/surf/mirage/memory_album.html -- Rumble "Write something worth reading, or do...
  8. G

    GameSPy's XBox 360 preview

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.xbox (More info?) Almost everything you wanted to know about the XBox 360: http://archive.gamespy.com/landing/xbox360/ Jonah Falcon
  9. G

    Warhorse question

    Archived from groups: alt.games.adnd (More info?) I was wondering, how much damage would a Light, or heavy warhorse do when trampling someone?.
  10. G


    Archived from groups: rec.games.roguelike.development (More info?) Is it a good idea to make a website, release source, etc for a roguelike that is jsut starting? or is it better to release when something playable has evolved? so far, my project (it's current, and very lame name is NImrl) is...
  11. G

    How much different is Half-life from Half-flife Source?

    Archived from groups: alt.games.half-life (More info?) I have the orginal HL which I am now playing again after competing HL2 but I am curious about Half-life Source. Does anyone have a frame comparison example to see what I might be missing? Ron
  12. G

    More questions asked in email

    Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?) > Can you play discipline cards on vampires in the uncontroled region? No. > When a master card is burned via sudden reversal it counts as your master phase action. Does the card count as being played? ( i.e Giant's Blood -...
  13. G

    God I hate MTV

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.xbox (More info?) You know, that had to be a new MTV noise-to-signal ratio low, even by their standards. I think we LITERALLY got about 20-30 seconds of actual content. The Killers are great, and all--but that's really not what I tuned in for, guys. I...
  14. G

    Painkiller problems.

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?) I'm back with more game questions. Did you guys who played the PC version of Painkiller have any luck getting to the "holy items" and other secrets? I've read part of a walkthrough after trying to reach some of these things and...
  15. G

    Crocodile's Tongue/Mask of 1k Faces?

    Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad (More info?) Just checking to make sure whether the following is legal: Vamp A bleeds/rushes/whatever, is blocked by Vamp B (who is, of course, younger), A plays Croc Tongue, B pays up, Vamp C (Cap>=Vamp B) masks and plays another Tongue...
  16. G

    Soloing the entire game...

    Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?) In your opinion, what builds are viable for soloing the entire game through Hell. Let's say, what are the top 5... 1. Skellimancer 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? - Samiel
  17. G

    Question about Google groups and this newsgroup

    Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade.collecting (More info?) Hi. I am currently using my Outlook Express 6 to participate in this newsgroup. Like most of you, I use a SPAM notice in my e-mail. I signed up for Google groups. If I use that, do I need to bother to mask the e-mail or...
  18. G

    Fun With Psionic Defences

    Archived from groups: rec.games.frp.dnd (More info?) Hafiz al-Tahir, Human psychic warrior 5/war mind 10 (both from the Expanded Psionics Handbook) Feats: Cleave, Deflective Armour (RoS), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Greater Heavy Armour Optimisation (RoS), Heavy Armour...
  19. J

    Need for Speed Underground 2.. Help?

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?) Just got the game. When I try to play, everything seems to work, but during the races, the screen is very dark. I can just make out taillights and some street lights, no road at all (except in the rear view mirror!). Does anyone...
  20. G

    getting Tony Tough!!

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure (More info?) Hi all, Does anybody know where I can get Tony Tough in Aus, or an online store that will not charge me $51 for postage and only $18 for the game!!! Thanks Linda
  21. G

    Squats wanted

    Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?) Hi, It's years since I posted on this group - anyone seen Big Al around? - He used to be hilarious. Anyway, despite therapy I still haven't managed to kick my GW addiction. I'm trying to collect all the Squats GW ever made. (If...
  22. G

    some items left

    Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade.collecting (More info?) I still have the following for sale: 1) 2 Atari buttons NOS with cones ($45 for the pair shipped) 2) Galaga side art set w/ kickplate and cpo (twobit - 2 of those $100 each). 3) Ms. pacman cocktail underlay + cpo set ($65 -...
  23. G


    Archived from groups: rec.games.corewar (More info?) Hi. I would like to inform all the beginners that i've killed my warriors on 94b hill at http://sal.math.ualberta.ca/. The hill is now quite empty (only ten slots contain actual warriors) -> so try to make it full again :). Anything you send...
  24. G

    Blogging is the New Black

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic,comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure (More info?) While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am also starting to get into the whole blogging scene, and I wonder how...
  25. G

    Which XBox 360 launch title excites you most?

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.xbox (More info?) Dead or Alive 4 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Halo 3 Kameo: Elements of Power Perfect Dark Zero Project Gotham Racing 3 Jonah Falcon
  26. G

    legendary creatures

    Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.rules (More info?) I vaguely remember a rule about there being a limit to legendary creatures. Is it up to 4 in play and they can't be the same type or they die?
  27. G

    EQ2 - Autorun/Center View Bug

    Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?) Anyone else noticed the bug in EQ2 wherein the 5 key on the number pad does not center your view while using autorun? I've sent several bug reports. Lou Heckyoubus - Level 27 Illusionist Permafrost
  28. G


    Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?) Hello, everyone. I stopped playing D2 for a while, and it was too long of a while, since my accounts expired. Rats! Lost a lot of good stuff. Anyway, I'm looking for some low level runes: Shaels and Thuls. I don't have much to offer...
  29. G

    How to make sims look right?

    Archived from groups: alt.games.the-sims (More info?) This is probably a very lame question, but how do you make your sims look the best they can be? And I am referring to the create-a-sim mode, not their clothing or fitness levels. I mean, I ask because Maxis seems to have given us a lot of...
  30. G

    Champions World Tournament

    Archived from groups: alt.games.champ-man (More info?) It will take place in Toronto and NY from the 23rd to the 31st of July and the participating teams will be : AC Milan Chelsea Benfica Olympiakos -Nick
  31. G

    Crown of Glory looks interesting

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical (More info?) Just went to the Matrix webpage. Crown of Glory looks like a tremendously interesting and ambitious TBS game. It remains to be seen how well it implements all that it promises, of course, but I'm very intrigued. Too bad...
  32. G

    About last night's MTV special...

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.xbox (More info?) Thank God for TiVo. And what was with that PDZ in-game footage? All I could gather is Ms. Dark doesn't any longer resemble the cutesy anime babe we've seen in the past.
  33. G

    Might and Magic - - - Gamepad?

    Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg (More info?) Anybody know if there's a simple way to use a gamepad with Might and Magic 6 through 8? I'm not a compu-geek enough to remap the keyboard.
  34. S

    watch tv in bed

    Archived from groups: alt.games.the-sims (More info?) Does anyone know if anyone has made an object which allows you to watch tv in bed? Thanks! Sb x -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.livejournal.com/users/essbee80
  35. G

    Whats Your Game?

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.sony-playstation2 (More info?) Whats Your Favorite Game
  36. G

    Another Gul from the Hell Hellforge, what now?

    Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?) Finally got my IK Barb playing a bit, and the going seems to get tougher now. Act IV Hell was still doable, WW-ing around, etc. Also Hephasto went down nicely, and after smashing the Soulstone, a Gul popped out. Hmmm, nice, of course, the...
  37. C

    Sim vs Real Flight

    Archived from groups: alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim (More info?) Dear all, Probably a silly question but when I have plotted a flight plan using the built in planner of FS2004 or FSNavigator and using either high or low level airways the route would appear to 'dogleg' left and right to...
  38. G


    Archived from groups: alt.games.the-sims-2 (More info?) Hi, Does anyone know about this patch? I downloaded it but I'm scared to try it and want to select reproductive options. Where do I find them? Thanks.
  39. G

    A Picture Of Pac Man I Drew

    Archived from groups: alt.games.video.sony-playstation2,alt.games.video.xbox,alt.fan.howard-stern,alt.tv.real-world,alt.tv.american-idol (More info?) Well I was bored so I made a cool little picture of Pac Man, let me know what you think http://whiterap.spymac.net/pacman.gif --- My dick is...
  40. F


    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games.zone.simulation (More info?) G'Day All, I installed FS2004 on my home computer and it freezes up when I try to fly the DC3. It also keeps asking for disk #4 to be in the "D" drive. So I tried installing it on a different P4 2.8Mghz and am having the...