Film School

Forum discussion tagged with Film School.
  1. J

    [SOLVED] Advice needed for choosing a editing Laptop.

    So I’m starting a 2 year degree in editing/director on October, and haven’t had the time yet to sit down and buy myself a good laptop/computer. I have done a fair bit of research but just can’t get decided on either the pc or Mac. I will put out there that I do manage much better on the Mac...
  2. T

    GTX 1070 cost!

    I'm looking to buy GTX 1070. But I saw in my country, GTX 1070 Founders Edition is 100$ cheaper than MSI Gaming X 1070. And my budget cant afford 100$ more for MSI Gaming X 1070. Should I buy GTX 1070 Founders Edition (500$) or get money for MSI Gamin X 1070 (600$). Is there a big difference...