
Page 3 - Forum discussion tagged with Full-Tower.
  1. T

    M.2 2.5" internal drive enclosure?

    Don’t know if there’s anything like this out there…? I know you can get a USB enclosure to turn a m.2 into a really long thumb drive, but I’m hoping to find a kind of drive enclosure that is the same size as your average 2.5” sata SSD, but inside it would hold hopefully 2 m.2 drives. And then...
  2. R

    can i run wolfenstein the old blood?

    i know this a late and weird question. but can i run wolfenstien the old blood or the new order on this laptop at lowest settings(at 1280 * 720)- GPU - nvidia 820m 2 gb RAM - 4 gb ram CPU - i3 4005u P.S- i am able to run crysis 3 at the same resolution in around 30 frames.(mostly it is between...
  3. G

    Looking to upgrade AMD RX480 4GB

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to upgrade my pc, so I can increase my graphics in games such as Overwatch and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. My current graphics card certainly isn't bad in Overwatch but I runs PUBG on very low. I also have encountered a lot of problems with AMD drivers with...
  4. B

    buy gpu, upgrade to ryzen mobo and cpu, or buy new mobo, and no upgrade

    I have a Pentium g4560 and a dead mobo, and PSU. should I just buy new Intel mobo, or buy GPU and a ryzen CPU-mobo combo
  5. D

    Need help for choosing the correct hdd

    My laptop HDD is failing and I have to get a new one . I had 1tb 2.5" Seagate HDD which came with the laptop . It has failed within 1 year. Please tell me which brand should I go for and what to look for in the model. I use my laptop for video editing and casual gaming .
  6. H

    Does refresh rate matters in ram ?

    Hello..! I have 8 gigs of ram Clocked at 1333mhz or 1600 mhz (dunno) And i m going to upgrade it to 16 -32 But mhz are low will that effect my gaming .?
  7. S

    Boot device LED flashes then boot loop

    Hi, I got stuck on POST a couple of days ago, and after I cleared the CMOS (removing the battery and shorting the CLRTC) it starts up and goes through the component LED cycle until it reaches the BOOT_DEVICE_LED, which turns on with the ASUS logo on the screen, and the whole system stops (LED...
  8. S

    Is this normal memory score for 2933mhz?

    Corsair ram 3200 (working on 2933mhz) Asrock x370 k4 https://imgur.com/a/QLOv5
  9. S

    Ryzen 1700 Gtx1080 build

    Hi guys im building my first Pc im looking to build something like this. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nnP2d6
  10. N

    AMD or Intel

    I have little problem picking new CPU. The problem is I know nothing about AMD products. The original choices were 5820k,6800k or 7800x. Which AMD CPU compare to these Intel CPUs ?
  11. JDG14

    Asrock B250M Pro4 vs MSI B250M Mortar Arctic

    Hi, helping my brother on deciding what to choose between the two. He decided to start new with his Tecware Quad build. Here are the following specs. Processor: Intel G4560 Ram: Corsair LPX 16gb GPU: Onboard (For now) SSD: L7 Evo 120gb SSD HDD: Excelstor 160gb HDD (Will replace eventually with...
  12. H

    how do i connect my wireless bluetooth speaker to my vizio tv

    I have a vizio tv and I don't know how to connect my wireless Bluetooth speaker to my tv. I need help.
  13. R

    Fx 6300 Overclocking power consumption doubts

    So i have some doubts that i hope can be cleared out, first of all i have a fully stock fx 6300 and i want to overclock it, the question is i have a really cheap and generic PSU, the one that comes with this Case: https://pcel.com/Acteck-WKGP-002-81017 (sorry if its in spanish, couldn't find an...
  14. B

    16GB of Ram + 2x8 GB of Ram

    This question is out of curiosity, My motherboard can handle a 32gb of ram at max, and I have installed two 8 gbs of rams. Hypothetically, can I add two stick of 16 gbs ram into my motherboard. I know my motherboard won't handle it but was wondering if a 2x8 gb of rams can be compatible with...
  15. C

    Is this custom pc good for gaming and video editing for youtube?

    can you guys check out my custom pc that I build at pc part picker I've been researching for weeks on finding the best parts for gaming and video editing and just really want to know if this build is perfect for my needs (gaming and video editing) and is the price worth it for the build link to...
  16. Z

    Continue to delete all my partitions?

    I'm replacing my Mobo and I deleted my ssd with my windows installation, and the question is do I also need to delete the system reserve drives? I also have a HDD btw if that changes anything. Thanks for reading!
  17. J

    humor you'de only encounter in pc games

    you know the pc game designers are smart people and they leave pretty good humor in their games , well except ubi soft and the creators of tom clancy series .. and they 're in competition so they try to mock each other one such mockery i realized just today , is if you play call of duty...
  18. P

    PC completely unusable, Ethernet Adapter

    This is honestly driving me insane. I It all started over a week ago, I've asked around many places and people and I've yet to recieve a solution to this. At completely random intervals, something in my PC decides to disable my Ethernet Adapter. Sometimes, it happens minutes after I turn my PC...
  19. C

    Will This Work?

    will a 100-240v 50-60Hz 460w psu work with a gtx 1050ti?
  20. A

    Seagate External HDD problem.

    I've been using an 8tb External HDD for backing up Games, Videos, Projects, ECT. other important files. And I left it sitting on a shelf for about a month until I need led to transfer some stuff from my internal SSD to the External HDD, but when I connected it to the PC the drive didn't show up...
  21. 3

    Msconfig under boot in advanced options 0 Gb of ram???

    In msconfig I recently unselected maximum memory I hit apply and ok then I reopened it to see if it applied and it now says 0 Gb of ram. Is this bad or should I just leave it as it is?
  22. M

    can a motherboard z270 overclock an skylake 6600 non-k?

    Hi, I'm looking for information about if you can overclock a non-k skylake cpu on a z270 board. I plan to upgrade my pc to the new z270 platform for future extensions, and a friend sell me a cheap i5 6600 non-k. Can you overclock this CPU as it was on the z170 boards? Sorry for my horrible english
  23. L

    Display problem in Sony Vaio svf5212

    My laptop is not showing anything on screen, not even backlight. I tried connecting HDMI cable to my TV but still it shows no signal. I think LCD screen is in good condition, as on time when I turned on my laptop it was displaying. But next time when I booted it, it wasn't showing anyyhing.I...
  24. N

    Are newer laptops able to connect to 144hz Monitors using HDMI 2.0/Mini Display? [Windows 10 ASUS Laptop]

    Hello, I am currently trying to see if a laptop I will be purchasing soon will be able to connect to a 144hz monitor (and run at 144hz). This is the laptop I am looking at: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=2WC-000N-00068 It has an HDMI 2.0 and a mini display port. Are either of...
  25. O

    gtx 1060 3gb under-performing

    so my gtx 1060 3gb is under performing and i was thinking of only upgrading my cpu will the' 'AMD - Athlon X2 370K 4.2GHz Dual-Core Processor'' instead of upgrading also the mother board be able to run it properly ?? specs : cpu : amd a8 6600k APU mother board :msi a78m e35 gpu gtx 1060...
  26. Y

    MSI GS63VR 6RF: My laptop suddenly froze in the middle of competitive gaming of Overwatch and now I cant get past the MSI logo

    MSI GS63VR 6RF: My laptop suddenly froze in the middle of competitive gaming of Overwatch and now I cant get past the MSI logo. My laptop froze in the middle of competitive gaming of Overwatch. I tried ctrl+alt+del and alt+f4 and stuff like those but got no response whatsoever. I decided to...
  27. bgwalker

    USB-C daisy chain Issue

    I am trying to get two blackmagic ultrastudio mini recorders to work through one USB-C port. The chain I have is through a Belkin 4-port mini hub with two usb-c ports- two kanex thunderbolt 2 to thunderbolt 3 adapters and the ultra stuio mini's. The devices show up as Billboard Device. Am I...
  28. S

    My new pc wont boot

    I have bought a new pc GA-AB350-Gaming Procesor AMD Ryzen 5 1500X, 3.6GHz/3.7GHz, 18MB corsair vengeance lpx cmk 16gx4m42133c13r GTX 1050 an hdd and ssd and a 550 powersource the thing is it dont boot up,i replaced the motherdoard,sent the cpu for checking,they said it works just fine,used...
  29. C

    Asus Strix z270e won't boot, lights on but fans not running. Need help!

    Here are the parts, all brand new: Asus Strix z270e Pentium G4560 SilverStone 1200w psu G.Skrill 8BG DDR4 2400 and some other stuff that's not important When I turn on the power one led lights turns on (pwr_led) as well as the fancy lights on the motherboard but none of the "boot_device_led"...
  30. Spexels

    Good pc build?

    After stressing over this for weeks now, I think I have it down. Will this work? Also when I actually build it what do i do (driver updates and stuff) PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Tdxyd6 Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Tdxyd6/by_merchant/...
  31. R

    Ryzen 1400 with GTX 1060 or Ryzen 1600 with GTX 1070?

    I am looking to build a fairly budget system and I don't know if I would be better off with a 1400 and GTX 1060 6GB, 1600 with a 1070, or even a mix of the two (1600 with 10606GB). I know the 1600 with 1070 is much faster but is it worth the extra cost? I plan to overclock both CPUs and GPUs...
  32. B

    Best size of monitor for gaming/workstation?

    Hi. Just interesting what is the best size of monitor is good for gaming/workstation? What is good resolution? Quality? Brands? Maybe there is something good used monitors for price? Any chance to buy damaged/fail monitor?
  33. D

    Which is better?

    Which one is better, the Amd RX460 2GB or the RX550 2GB
  34. O

    msi a78m-e35 + intel i5 6500?

    i was wondering if my motherboard could run the intel i5 6500 cuz my old one is too weak PLEASE HELP system specs : gpu gtx 1060 3gb motherboard msi a78m-e35 old processor: amd a8 6600k x4 8 gb of ram i want to upgrade it because my gpu is underperforming
  35. D

    Slow ethernet cable.

    My computer ethernet is slower then wifi, and my dads computer is also using ethernet, How to fix?
  36. O

    Ez debug lights going on system not working

    My ez debug light do this first I start it ans it goes to dram for about 10 seconds then stays at vga I really need help
  37. rebuilder

    Transfer speeds using SATA HDD

    Hi Forum!! Long time not posting on here, but I'm glad to be back.. So I just went out and bought a few 4 & 8TB internal SATA drives for my builds. after a few wrong formats I learned to use GPT to get all of my storage space. I'm backing up all my movies from my smaller 1TB drives to the...
  38. G

    Say Hello To Cougar's New GX-F, Dapper PSU Lines

    Cougar revealed two new PSU lines during Computex 2017: the fully modular GX-F featuring 80 PLUS Gold efficiency, and the mainstream Dapper line with 80 PLUS Bronze efficiency and fixed cables. Say Hello To Cougar's New GX-F, Dapper PSU Lines : Read more
  39. PCN00B123

    What Motherboard for the I5-7400?

    Looking for a motherboard that is under £70 and is compatable with the I5 7400. would this work fine...
  40. A

    Added fans my gpu temp are higher

    I recently installed 2 intake fans *front*. My gpu temp got hotter after i add the fans. I have one liquid exhaust fan. My gpu usually sits at 55-60c when playing games, now its getting to 65-70c. Is it because i dont have enough exhaust fan? Or the airflow is not correct?