#game crashing

Forum discussion tagged with #game crashing.
  1. K

    Question Game´s keep crashing and I can´t find the reason for it

    Hey everyone, I had my PC since 2018 and everything worked fine. At the end of last year I had a friend gift me his old CPU and RAM. To be able to use it I bought a new Motherboard and Case. Since then games keep crashing. Not only new games but also games that ran fine before my "upgrade". I...
  2. gavAB

    Question PC shuts down when running any game

    I recently started playing games and my PC would just restart a minute or two into launching it. Everything else is fine on my computer like browsing, watching videos, and etc. PART LIST: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4YQjMb Checked temp on CPU and GPU. Normal temps. Ran SFC /scannow. Nothing...
  3. P

    Question Full System Crash During Games (Power Off) / Troubleshooting Assistance Request

    Hey all. ISSUE: System is crashing to S5/Shutdown State. Power drops, displays go blank. Seems to happen primarily in two games, 7 Days to Die, and VRChat. Initially assumed it was an issue with 7 Days to Die, but after encountering the same issue with VRchat, Might be an issue with UNITY-based...
  4. Herbski

    Question applications aren’t opening

    So whenever i try to open up a game the game would open into a black screen, shortly after opening the game it crashes so i tried to open up my device manger and that would open then crash as well. when the applications crash there is no troubleshooting screen that pops up. Google chrome will...
  5. 2

    [SOLVED] Pc shuts down while playing games

    Greetings! I hope someone has a good idea to fix my laptop, please help :) I have an asus rog gl503vm notebook, specs: i7-7700HQ Gtx 1060Mobile 6gb 16gb ddr4 RAM It isn't overclocked. Roughly 2 months ago it started to shut down instantly during gameplay. I've run different benchmark tests, like...
  6. A

    [SOLVED] PC game freezes but pc still runs

    So first lets start with specs msi 3950-A pro i9 9900k processor 760 gpu (I took from old pc while waiting on 2070s) 16gb ram corsair vengence rgb pro corsair hydro 100i corsair rm650 psu So I built my pc and it can run to windows on the desktop fine with not temp issues or anything and can be...