Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with GB.
  1. A

    large screen laptop to run Matlab

    Hi, I'm just posting to ask advice on which laptops to consider purchasing around the $1000 price range. Ideally I would like a large screen, at least 15.6", does not have to be portable. Secondly I would like a processor that is capable of running Matlab simulations comfortably (although I...
  2. R

    how can I delete OUtlook express?

    looking to delete outlook, not all my emails will come through but now has messed up my internet provider Email as well
  3. K

    Two 500gb HDD's, possibly failing or HDD setting???

    Ok, I have two 500gb HDD's like the title says. Both are Seagate Barrucuda 7200.10's. Both were in a gaming PC I bought from a guy. He booted and let me look at it, and even test Bioshock infinite and skyrim on it. Now these HDD's had windows 8 on them before, but I wanted windows 7, so I went...

    Asus GTX770-DC2OC-2GD5 Or Sapphire VAPOR-X R9 280X TRI-X OC

    Which one to get ? GTX 770 or R9 280 X ? Vs
  5. H

    Corsair 750w which one should i pick for gaming?

    I'm building a gaming rig and I it want to lasting and powerfull. Not sure what's the differences of these PSUs. Best series for gaming? I'm choosing from the range of the Corsair series. HX, AX, CS, RM, CX, TX?
  6. J

    Which fan is better and silent(er)?

    Bitfenix Spectre Pro or Cougar CFD120 Blue LED. This two are LED and i wanna buy them, but i was wondering which one is more quiter.
  7. kiwi king

    Will this graphics setup work right

    Hello! I have a 4 GFX card case, and I was wondering if I could put 3 of these in there: then lastly put this in the last slot...
  8. christian11

    Building Gaming PC

    I am sorry to take your time friends but can you help me with specific names of what components to choose to build my gaming pc, any suggestions like... Motherboard Procesor Graphic card Ram And cooling system just like you would buy for your self with a budget around 1000 euro Thanks
  9. T

    replacement windows 7 PC slower network and broadband speeds than my old PC

    Hello, I have replaced my old HP microtower AMD 2gb (running Win 7 Ent 32 bit) with an AMD 6 core 8gb PC running windows 7 Ent 32 bit. My old machine still works and is wireless achieving speeds on virgin media of up to 50 mbps My new machine however sat directly next to the old one is...
  10. D

    Vertex 4 Black screen blinking cursor, moved from p55 motherboard to z87

    My OCZ Vertex 4 has had windows 7 installed on it for about a year. today i got a new asus z87-A motherboard with matching i7 4770k processor. After setting everything up and plugging in the SSD im stuck on the black screen right after the bios option. Im updated to the newest firmware on the...