generic power supply

Forum discussion tagged with generic power supply.
  1. FishbedMyBeloved

    [SOLVED] SOLVED: KDMPOWER PSU - Safe to use at lower than "rated" wattages?

    Hello, everyone. I bought one of those cheap 70$ PSUs off Ebay "rated" (using the term loosely, I can't find a UL logo on the thing for the life of me) for 1075 watts about a year ago, because I knew very little about computers at the time. Now I finally have the graphics card I intended to...
  2. yuikou

    Question Planning to buy a GTX 750 Ti, can it run on my Generic 700w PSU?

    Like in the title i'm planning to buy a 750Ti, just making sure if my psu can take it since i heard the 750Ti doesn't need a 6 pin connector which only uses power from the motherboard. Here's my specs CPU - A8-6600k Motherboard - a68hm-e33 v2 PSU - Electron 700w ATX Generic Power Supply Ram -...
  3. F

    Question Troubles with cpu and psu please help!

    I have been having troubles with my pc when i open games,(rocket league wich is not a very demanding game) my pc turn off bcs of the temperatures of the cpu then i fix that changing thermal paste, but then the problem is when im in the game the pc freezes and i have to turn it off manually so i...
  4. D

    Question what gpu is best for i5 3470 4gb ram 3.20 ghz with generic power 500 watts?

    what gpu is best for i5 3470 4gb ram 3.20 ghz with generic power 500 watts?
  5. K

    letter i stopped working

    have to copy and paste. i took the top of key off and have used compressed air. Drivers are up to date and there is no errors showing in device mgr.