Gigabyte Brix

Forum discussion tagged with Gigabyte Brix.
  1. M

    Question Unable to boot gigabyte brix from Windows 10 installed on SSD ?

    I have Windows 10 installed in SSD in legacy mode (not UEFI). I have connected it to gigabyte brix. When I turn on the Brix, its does not boot from SSD. Instead it gives me UEFI shell: When I type exit and hit enter in above shell prompt, it seems to take me to BIOS which lists SSD is...
  2. ikonijab

    Question Fixing mini computer - Gigabyte Brix Pro 8G DDR3 -1T Hybrid disk | i7 4770R

    Hey fellas, Does anyone know what could be causing in (Gigabyte Brix Pro 8G DDR3 -1T Hybrid disk | i7 4770R) the power button to stop working sporadically and whether it is worth fixing? I was able to turn it on one time today and it worked like charm until I shut it down. Now, when i press...
  3. 8

    Question Gigabyte BRIX a8 5557 help!

    I have a gigabyte BRIX a8 5557 that I took apart and noticed there was a second board in there. That’s the dedicated gpu that is used in the BRIX 8890, however the bridge connector is a dummy bridge so it can’t utilize the graphics card. If anyone knows where I can get the working bridge That...
  4. A

    First PC build- thoughts, problems, or changes?

    This is going to be my first PC i'm building. If there are any problems please tell me. Any suggestions on changing things also tell me. graphics: MSI GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GAMING X Video Card storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive motherboard: Asus B150M PRO...