gpu chip

Forum discussion tagged with gpu chip.
  1. bedouinbro

    Question fan replacement for a chip damaged gtx 760

    using a 11 year old gtx 760 fans stopped working few months ago, opened it and got this chip kind of chipped off, dont know how it happened it btw, since the fans arent working the temp is always above 100 when watching movies. should i open it again and spend 10$ on a replacement fan ? any idea...
  2. P

    Question Gigabyte Radeon 7950 broken capacitor

    Hello. I've just got used Gigabyte Radeon 7950 card and I noticed missing capacitor on the GPU chip. The card works perfectly fine. It's stable, I'm getting expected performance, I was even able to overclock the card to 1085MHz core without overvolting it, what gave me 700 points increase in...