GPU Memory

Forum discussion tagged with GPU Memory.
  1. Iver Hicarte

    Question Why Does Nvidia Keep Making GPUs that Have Low VRAM?

    I read and heard somewhere (I can't recall exactly where) that Nvidia can get away with lower VRAM with their GPUs compared to their AMD counterparts since they have mastered something in relation to "Lossless Image Compression". If I'm not mistaken and from how I understand it, it works just...
  2. iStefy

    [SOLVED] Why are GPU memory temps so high ?

    Hi everyone, I bought rx 5700 xt 2 months ago and I have problems with memory temperatures while mining, GPU is about 45-50°C while memory is 84-90°C . Since it is new card under warranty, I'm scared to open it and check thermal pads. Does anyone have different solution? sorry for bad English
  3. N

    [SOLVED] PC Freeze then screen got no signal but sound keep playing

    PC spec are: CPU - i7-2600 MOBO - Can't open the case right now but it's from a Acer Veriton X6610G RAM - 4*2GB GPU - Club 3D Radeon HD7970 RoyalQueen Radeon Software Version - 19.9.2 PC would freeze then screen wil turn off and I will get no signal, it happend once already when I'm typing...
  4. N

    [SOLVED] GPU-Z Memory Used is half of the GB of my card...

    Hi, I have an old mobo (m5a97 plus, chipset RD9x0 r.2) with an FX-8350 and a nice GTX 1060 6GB. I've been struggling with fps lately using 1440p on my monitor so I thought I'd check out the GPU using GPU-Z. Anyway, on the Sensors - it shows Memory Used being about 3GB when under 100% GPU Load...
  5. C

    Question Gpu memory stuck at max

    Ive got a gtx 1050ti thats about a year old now. Its running all of the latest drivers but, recently the Gpu's memory has been stuck at max even while its idle. This is making some of my games have frame drops like fortnite were I was playing it at 120fps and now it barely runs 30-60! This is...
  6. M

    budget gaming computer with emphasis on cheap

    Good day! I like gaming, but I consider myself as casual gamer. That means I would like to get my hands on the newest titles but I wouldn't care if can't get the best graphics. That means I want to spend as less money as possible to create something like living room media center. I believe the...
  7. tamethegamer

    Blinking underscore during boot?

    My computer boots successfully (especially with my new SSD) but I have now noticed a small white blinking underscore in the top left corner on a black screen during the boot process? This occurs for around 2-3 seconds and I was wondering what it is there for and is there any way I could disable...