#gt 730

Forum discussion tagged with #gt 730.
  1. BroNo332

    Question GeForce Gt730 2gb ddr5

    My motherboard is Intel DH61HO. I have 4gb DDR3 ram. Processor: Intel Pentium G620 dual core 2.60Ghz (65 TDP) Windows 8.1 64 bit. I planned to buy Nvidia GeForce GT 730 2gb ddr5, will it work without problems? And what about gaming experience, not in present games but a little old like Gta V...
  2. Newwbbbbss

    [SOLVED] Is GT 730 ddr5 temporarily good for ryzen 7 build while waiting for GPU prices to drop? or should I just go with APU?

    Is GT 730 ddr5 temporarily good for ryzen 7 build while waiting for GPU prices to drop? So I'm planning to build a pc with ryzen 7 5000 series and I have gt 730 2gb ddr5 gpu. I would like to wait for the prices to drop for gpu's but I'm not sure if it would be detrimental for my build to use my...