hard drive connected to usb not recognized

Forum discussion tagged with hard drive connected to usb not recognized.
  1. J

    [SOLVED] New PC doesn't recognize hard drive from a previous PC

    Hello, my newish PC doesn't recognize an older hard drive from a previous PC. The hard drive is a WD Blue 1TB drive. It's almost filled up. On my old PC, it works fine, it's not corrupted, but when I plugged it in to the current computer, Windows doesn't show it at all. If I go into Bios, same...
  2. tsmith154

    [SOLVED] Netgear XR500 Does see the hard drives connected to the USB ports but my computers do not.

    Hello and thank you for any help. I have connected two hard drives to the router via. the usb ports on the router. I go into the router dashboard. I go to: USB Storage/USB settings and Enable any USB Device Connected to the USB port (yes) USB Storage / ReadySHARE Storage and I see my hard...