
Forum discussion tagged with HD7850.
  1. I

    [SOLVED] Pc wont boot after installing a new gpu

    My pc wont boot (there isnt even a beep) if i put in HD7850. If I unplug the 6pin from the card, it's fans dont spin and my pc boots on the integrated graphics just fine. I tested the card in my friend's pc and it worked just fine. My current psu is banditpower 500w xh-420. Is my PSU too weak...
  2. Eliehbeth

    [SOLVED] Using an old HD7850 GPU with new Z490 MBO

    So my pretty ancient machine (i5-4690k, Asus Z97-A, 8GB DDR3 and Radeon Sapphire 7850) is way past due for an upgrade. My plan is to get: Core i5-10600KF (but not fixed on that - prepared to look at i7s, i9s or even Ryzens) Z490 motherboard (currently looking at the MSI MAG Z490 but again, not...
  3. Anas Riaz

    [SOLVED] GPU no display on certain motherboards

    I had an HD7850. I bought an Rx570. 570 was working fine in the shop. When i brought it home and inserted in my system there was no display. Neither from GPU or motherboard. So i unplugged 570, and motherboarf started giving display and started windows just fine. Then i plugged in my previous...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] Motherboard powers off before remaining on and gives hardware failure signal

    Hello, I'm currently building my first PC, however, it seems I've run into a roadblock i cant figure out. I'll divide this post into three sections to make it as easy for you to understand whats has happened, the components I've used, and the diagnostics I've already done. components ASUS...
  5. A

    Which computer speakers to buy?

    Hello, I'm thinking about buying speakers for my computer. I'm currently using Razer Carcharias headphones, but I want speaker so I can use from time to time when I don't want to put on headphones (it's not the most comfortable thing on earth). Also, I only want a 2.1 system, it's enough. What...
  6. JBox138

    New to Overclocking

    Hi all first time here, I'm still waiting for parts to come in to finish my build but new to overclocking period. Here will be my PC spec. as of Friday. Case: Corsair Obsidian 350D CPU: core i7 4790K Mobo: Asus Z97-A Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3 2400 2x8gb GPU:Asus GTX970 Strix OC PSU...
  7. D

    Please Help! System always boots to Bios

    *EDIT* March 28 2016 ----- OK, embarrassing, on my last system (i5 4670K Asrock h87) I'm pretty sure it automatically changed the boot order after installing Win 10 but on the Micro 2 once you see it try and start the install process again you have to reset the computer and hit delete and / or...
  8. KyleF01

    Is there room to upgrade?

    PC SPECS: MSI GTX 980 (+110 core clock, could go higher..) Intel i7-4770k (4.3ghz, 1.2 volts) 16gb corsair vengeance ram Asus Maximus Hero VII SSD & HDD 750w PSU 1080p 144hz monitor I'm "satisfied" with the performance of my PC, but I'm not getting a constant 60fps+ on every game. Would my...
  9. N

    Overclocking AMD Athlon X4 860K

    I currently have an AMD Athlon X4 860K with a coolermaster hyper 212 evo as the cpu cooler. The Mobo I am using is a Gigabyte F2A88X-D3H. I was wondering roughly how much I could OC my CPU as I feel that it needs just a slight bit more processing power when gaming? (Doesn't run that hot) This...
  10. S

    Play Xbox 360 disk games on emulator?

    So I have the Halo Reach disk, but my xbox 360 isn't working. The emulators I have looked at need you to download an iso, but i dont have much space left on my hard drive. Is there a way to play xbox 360 games through an emulator from the disk?
  11. T

    new 4790k asrock extreme 6

    New to the site and I picked up a 4790k and asrock extreme6. My old Asus P8P67 Pro B3 and 2500k died and I needed an upgrade. Unfortunately I found out that my GPU GTX580 SC also died (maybe it was all that died) and I am now on just the cpu and onboard graphics for a bit. I am new to OC as I...
  12. W

    don't read pls

    thread answered. :)
  13. A

    Cooler Master GX 750W II 80+ with Z77 extreme 4 Mobo

    Hi ive had this problem for about a year now and only deciding to do something about it I have Cooler Master GX 750W II and a Z77 Mobo that im using problem is the 20+ 4 pin connector wont connect into the mobo so im left running only the 20 pin. Im wanting to start overclocking and the guy and...
  14. VermilionNeko

    Strange lag and Alt + Tab

    I've just recently started to experience a strange performance issue in a couple of games that clears up by Alt + Tabbing out and back in. I've had it in BioShock Infinite and today in Tales of Monkey Island. With BioShock, it feels like there's frame skipping going on and that the frames have...
  15. M

    Upgrade or not to i7 4770k for Prepar 3d v2.2?

    I actually have an i5 2500k at 4ghz but i am not very satisfied with it performance in prepar 3d v2.2 i am getting like 18 - 22 fps in the pdmg 737 in Dubai with high settings(note that i have also aplied some tweaks to the game). What i want to know is if an i7 4770k will be able to hold over...
  16. P

    RAM Required for Asus M4A88T-M LE motherboard

    can u seggest list of RAM for Asus M4A88T-M LE motherboard
  17. D

    First build thoughts?

    saphire radeon r9 280x dual x oc i5 4670k cooler master centurion6 case G skillz ripjaw 8gb (2x4gb) 1866mhz ram 750w Antec high current gamer psu, modular 7200rpm seagate baracuta 1tb harddrive samsung evo ssd basic 250gb Asrock z87 Extreme4 Mobo Windows 8 Asus 12-D2HT bluray drive Sorry about...
  18. S

    running a separate user under a different user for the PC

    So I have a question about how to run a different user account on my PC under my main user account. I work from home and have a dedicated user account that I log into for work. But it's separate from my main user account that I use for day-to-day activity. I want to be able to log into my main...
  19. F

    ssd to hdd os cahce

    I have a 60gb ssd currently running my os, howeveer, it is quickly running out of space. I was wondering if I could transfer the os to a 250gb hdd and have it cached with the ssd to make it faster. I also have a 1tb for all my other data.
  20. Andrew Buck

    Voltage for FX-8320 AND Bluescreens

    I finally figured out how to adjust voltage on my MSI board (used wrong +/- buttons) and now finally maybe have something to work with in terms of overclocking. I run my FX-8320 at 4.5 GHz, but always had voltage on auto, and saw that my voltage jumped around the 1.3 range, sometimes to 1.4 V. I...
  21. K

    Build look good? (First build)

    So i'm going to be building a new pc, in the next week or so. These are the parts at the moment. (I already have: HDD, CASE, CD-DRIVE, OS.) I have about £520 to spend on the rest of the parts. I would prefer them all from the same place unless it saves me a considerable amount of money...
  22. C

    Will This Motherboard be Compatible with This Video Card

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127775 Someone said they got this card as the DIM Switch by switching it to legacy got it to boot up. As my bios doesn't have this setting. I currently had the ATI HD 7770 that came stock with my pc when i got it brand new. After a year...
  23. D

    My pc beeps or turns itself off

    When I turn my dell desktop on, it will power up fine then like 10 mins later it'll beep or just trun off, it beeps untill I hit the power button, then ill wait ten seconds or longer and turn it on again, sometimes it'll work fine somtimes it'll repeat what I said it does