hdd sounding

Forum discussion tagged with hdd sounding.
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Sound From HDD

    Hi, I hear some strange sound while I use my external HDD Is the condition of the external HDD good or not good? The sound of a external HDD while doing nothing, The HDD is running and goes to sleep/off at the end The sound of a external HDD while copying files The fan like noise is not the...
  2. V

    Question Laptop led glowing ,fan not spinning and no display.

    Using AMD A9, working fine since last 1yr but after facing some sudden restarts in last 3 days today system got shut suddenly while working on. Present conditions:- Power led glowing, charging normally,HDD sounding, but no fan spinning ,no display. Guys plz help , I'm in dire need. NOTE:- I used...