headless pc

Forum discussion tagged with headless pc.
  1. Blazing Blast

    Question How to get terminal output from a system without GPU?

    I have built a system without integrated non dedicated GPU for server usage, and I want to get terminal output. I have another system that I can plug the boot drive in to install the OS to. In the long term, I want to set up SSH. But I need some way of interfacing with the PC during the SSH...
  2. Rimp2284

    [SOLVED] Need help getting a pc with gpt boot drive and cleared bios to display with no integrated gpu (rtx 2060 super main gpu)

    I was trying to get secure boot enabled on my PC to upgrade to win 11 and changed my boot drive to a gpd drive (win rec broke in the process) and after changing to secure boot display stoped working and would not even beep. Current moment I managed to get it to a single beep and to a "boot"...