high ms

Forum discussion tagged with high ms.
  1. A

    Question Frequent random disconnections, internet speed flip flopping excessively

    Hello everyone, I apologise if this becomes lengthy! For months now I've had various symptoms suggesting a fault on my FTTC connection. I'm with BT (UK). I'm 3 routers and 4 engineers in. Fault reappears each time. Nothing can be done without proof of a fault, so I'm trying to gather...
  2. S

    Need help to choose my new z97 motherboard

    Hi all, Last week my Asus P5B-Deluxe is dead after 7 and half years. (doesn't turn on any more, I've forced power from PSU shorting green/black cable, fans spin and red/blue led turn on, but nothing happen on monitor) So, after seven years I need new PC and after some days looking around to...