home build

Forum discussion tagged with home build.
  1. nerdypantschix

    Question Desk top not powering on

    Sorry if I’m not posting in the correct section. I have a home build and a few weeks ago my computer kept making a noise which I thought was coming from a cooling fan. I went to turn in my computer today and nothing. It doesn’t power on. The strip that it is on is on and working and I have...
  2. breh_soe

    [SOLVED] New PC won't post - First time builder

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7 GHz 6-core Processor Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 822.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler MSI B550-A Pro ATX AM4 Motherboard Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4-2400 CL Team T-Force Vulcan G 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive SeaSonic FOCUS Plus Gold 650W 80+ Fully Modular ASUS...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] New PC build. No display, fans not all working.

    So I built a new PC. This is the second one I have built, I haven't had this issue before. It powers on with the button but there is no display using the HDMI slot in either the mobo (ASrock X470 Master SLI), or the GPU (GTX 1660 super). The mobo has a slow flashing red LED fading in and out...
  4. T

    Question When I plug an iPhone cable into my motherboard, and try to charge my phone, the internet stops working

    Recently iv started noticing on my pc (which I built myself), that when an iPhone cable (I haven’t tried with another type of cable) is plugged into the the motherboard, the internet stop working on my pc? Wondered if any of you had any solutions?
  5. A

    XFX 380x Good For 1080P Gaming Only?

    Will the R9 380x Be good enough to game at 1080P with High or Ultra Settings?
  6. S

    Power supply question

    1.I'm currently upgrading a few parts of my systems and looking at the psu now. I have two options- a) Buy a Evga G2/P2 from amazon.com and import it to India with amazonglobal shipping, b)Buy a Corsair RMx(not RM) psu from local store. Both methods will cost more or less same. Is the RMx...
  7. K

    970m for 1000$?

    Hi guys, I'm planning to buy a laptop, and my budget is around 1000$ (can stretch it to 1200) and I really want the 970m and i tried searching laptops with 970m but to no avail (or i just suck at searching) you guys know any laptop that fits the criteria? if not, can you guys recommend a good...
  8. A

    dumbest question of 2015

    Where does a 1 RAM stick go in a 4 slot motherboard (msi gaming 5). The manual, youtube, and the internet, all tell me where two sticks go but not one. The manual says, DIMM 1 DIMM 2 DIMM 3 DIMM 4, so you think one RAM goes into DIMM 1 right? But then it also says FIRST> DIMM 2 DIMM 4, so does...
  9. Hayden Voegtle

    r9 390 at 144hz 1080p or 60hz 1440p

    Hello everyone, I'm looking at getting a 390 for a new build and I'm stuck between a 144hz 1080p monitor and a 60hz 1440p monitor - if it makes a difference I'm looking for a 24-25" monitor that I will be about 2-3 feet away from thanks for the input everyone
  10. J

    Hardware question about my build.

    Which one would be smarter out these two ideas? Which of these should I do: 1: Drop my hard drive from 1TB to 500GB and get a GTX 960 2GB Or 2: Keep the 1TB hard drive and get a GTX 760 3GB
  11. J

    How to clone a 128 OS SSD to a 256 SSD

    I have my OS on a 128 SSD, and I happen to have gotten a 256 SSD. For now, I would like to create a copy of my128 SSD onto the 256 SSD, so that if anything goes wrong I can just plug the 256 SSD and continue on as if nothing happened. What is the easiest way to do this. I have the Acronis WD...
  12. R

    Which one of these two laptops should I get?

    Here are the links: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834232004 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834258793 The laptop will mainly be for school. So I will obviously be doing the normal stuff like office and internet browsing, but on the other hand these...