
Forum discussion tagged with i54690k.
  1. O

    Question Blue Screens/PC Shutting Down When Playing Games

    I'm fairly new to PC gaming so I apologize if I am not too familiar with what's going on but recently when I've been playing games on my PC it will either completely crash my computer or have a blue screen and then crash. It started happening when all of a sudden I was playing Payday 2 and it...
  2. B

    Question Extremely Low CPU speeds ?

    Hello, A while back, I posted a question on this forum regarding, "Low CPU speeds while playing certain games - especially BF4". I tried everything that I was told but wasn't able to fix the problem. So, I let it be. It's just BF4. Fast Forward - 3 days later ... I cant even watch a Youtube...
  3. B

    Question Low CPU speed while gaming.

    Hello guys, Just joined this forum because I am frustrated with my system. I'm going to list my CPU and GPU below before I get into the problem. I am currently running: i5 - 4690K (Cooler Stock) GTX 960. So, the problem that I've been having is that whenever I play games such as BF4, APEX...
  4. I

    MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G Slanting/Bending

    My GTX 970 is slanting (the right side) when placed in the case, however when out of the case it's fine. I have researched this and other peoples are fine; from looking at images and YouTube videos. Can someone please help as this is a build for Christmas. Images of the Issue Below through...
  5. PandoranPhoenix

    250gb Samsung EVO vs 240gb HyperX Savage SSD?

    Hi guys! I'm going to build a new desktop pc soon, but I'm stuck on which ssd to buy: 1) 250gb Samsung EVO SSD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147372&cm_re=250gb_samsung_evo-_-20-147-372-_-Product 2) 240gb HyperX Savage SSD...
  6. M

    I moved files from my Windows c: and it messed up my computer please help

    Hello, I'm new to computers so i don't know what i'm doing. I moved files from my Windows c: because i had no space left so i moved them into my New Volume D: because it is 2 TB and it ended up messing up my computer many things are wrong i was wondering if anyone can help me fix this. I have...
  7. J

    <75W GPU that uses BIOS rather than UEFI for GTA IV?

    I want to play GTA IV but my GT 520 is not fast enough (my i3-2120 is good enough). I need something faster, about double/triple the speed would suffice, I think. I want to upgrade my HP PC with a GPU that is BIOS compatible and is less than 75W (my 300W PSU does not provide extra power...