ide failure

Forum discussion tagged with ide failure.
  1. Sk8ter

    [SOLVED] Old pc won't detect any ide component !!!

    Hi ! So a friend of mine brought me his faulty pc an old Pentium 4 , hoping i could restore it , I tried my best with it fixed some issues like the long continuous beep by swapping the ram module , replaced a dead CMOS battery ...but the only thing that drove me crazy was the indetectd ide...
  2. S

    Playstation 4 Power Requirement??

    Hey Everyone !! I wanna ask a question regarding a PS4. I'm looking to buy one soon. Currently i'm a PC gamer and i enjoy pc games alot, but due to my GPU frying twice, I just got tired of it. The thing is, where I live, there is a problem of power failure. Voltage goes up and down frequently...