inspiron 15

Forum discussion tagged with inspiron 15.
  1. glennlantern123

    Question Inspiron 15 5000 Series WiFi not working after re-installing Windows 10

    So I re-installed Windows 10 in my Dell Inspiron 15 5000 Series (5570) after I'm done re-installing is it does not show WiFi it only shows Airplane Mode, that's all that is showing. I've tried installing drivers from the dell drivers support entering my Service Tag and trying every single WiFi...
  2. B

    [SOLVED] Recommended Budget M.2 NVME SSD for laptop?

    I have a Dell Inspiron laptop with a 1tb Hard drive that has failed. However, the laptop has a slot for a NVME ssd in which i am looking to purchase. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good NVME ssd for under $70? I am looking for around 512gb. Currently am looking at the Intel 660p...
  3. LordeCogumelo

    Question Laptop keys and audio stop working while charging

    I have an Inspiron 15-3567, it's almost 1 year old now, and about 6-7 months ago it started having a problem in which sometimes the keys would stop repeating while charging, the problem had suddenly dissapeared in a few weeks but it returned this month, but, different from the first time, the...