Intel i5-3570

Forum discussion tagged with Intel i5-3570.
  1. C

    [SOLVED] Should I reinstall windows after new cpu

    So I recently swapped out my old i5-7500 for a Ryzen 5 3600x and a new motherboard to match. I know windows 10 is good for recognizing new parts which mine did on first boot, it seems to be working just fine with all the drivers installed. My question is since I've had different parts before...
  2. R

    Is my graphics card right?

    I am planning to buy a new graphics card I.e NVIDIA geforce gt 710 I have a biostar motherboard which has written PEX16_1 WRITTEN under it and my PSU is iball SPS 223-400 i want to play medium games like cs:go,gta4,farcry3, battlefield 3 etc so will my PSU be able to deliver the power please...