For a while now I've had issues with my wifi, where every few seconds the receive would drop to 0 mbps.
See link:
Eventually I bought a new wifi-card (TP-Link Archer TX3000E) and it flattened out the receive graph. Although it did seem to help, my internet in...
game internetlagginginternet lag
late packets
Lost Packets
Packet Loss
packet loss in game
Packet loss spikes
wifi late packets
wifi packet loss
wireless internet issue
Firstly I apologize for my bad English. I am facing a problem. My keyboard and internet start lagging at the same time everyday. This happens everyday exactly at 14:43 and last till around 17:00.Sometimes this happens twice a day. First at around 11 and then again at 14:43. During this period...
The parts to my first rig should be arriving in the mail today. I bought a 1200 but upon further research I realize I probably should have bought the 1300x. I know the 1200 can reach about 1300x speed though overclocking but I know nothing about overclocking and I'm a little concerned about how...