
Forum discussion tagged with jerking.
  1. A

    Question Flickering shadows, jumping around in a spicky patteren in all of my games. Text glitching as well?

    Hi I have a desktop PC with an Nvidia GTX 1080ti strix graphiccard. Here's a speccy: I have some interesting trouble, and I am afraid my graphiccard might be dying or something like it. Here's some images and video's of the trouble...
  2. lordtristan28

    [SOLVED] [Phenom II X4 840T] Weird character jerking/physics jerking

    I'm really hoping i can get some infomation on this, anything leading to figureing this out would be awesome. So, there is a handful of games that has this issue, Tomb raider 2013 is one of them. Everything seems normal, there is no issues with the game running, heck it runs really smooth...