laptop hangs

Forum discussion tagged with laptop hangs.
  1. R

    Question Laptop freezes everytime when it's not plugged in ?

    Laptop Model: Lenovo Ideapad 3-15IIL05 - 81WE OS: Windows 11 Please I need help. Here's what I did but still persists: BIOS set to Default Settings. Tried both UEFI and Legacy Boot Disabled LENOVO ACPI *** Pressed Powerbutton 60 seconds and reboot Reinstalled Fresh Windows 11 Updated BIOS to...
  2. K

    [SOLVED] Unresponsive Task Manager

    Whenever I open up my task manager especially when my laptop is hanging due to some unresponsive apps, it seems that my task manager will also become unresponsive. I remember back in those days when I was using my old laptop, task manager had always been helpful when it comes to lagging issue...
  3. L

    Is this a good gaming PC? (first build) <--this is the part list to my first build. Ive just decided to switch from Console to PC and wanted to build a good gaming computer. Anything I should tweak/change? I want to stay around the same budget.