lenovo idea flex

Forum discussion tagged with lenovo idea flex.
  1. absiri

    [SOLVED] Send help! Lenovo IdeaPad Crash

    Recently, the tip of the USB port for my 5 year old Lenovo IdeaPad flex fell off, exposing the leads. Today, I inadvertently touched my charging cord to said leads, and I believe they touched for a second or two. Immediately after, my laptop shut off and will not power back on. Is there any way...
  2. S

    [SOLVED] Lenovo Post BIOS Update Blackscreen

    Did the bios update with the Vantage App. It said successful. However, after it was done it did a dim black screen. All was working okay except it would not do updates. Can not get back in. When the power button is pressed, it goes to dim black sceen. IdeaPad Flex 5 Graciously, Gary