long life

Forum discussion tagged with long life.
  1. A

    Question MSI MPG A650GF or CM MWE 650 V2 or CORSAIR CX650F?

    Hi everyone, I am going to replace my old PSU "Cooler Master V650S Gold". Recently, the PC shuts down randomly (figured out that it is due to +5V drops). I need your advice on which one to choose: 1) MSI MPG A650GF GOLD 2) COOLER MASTER MWE 650 GOLD V2 3) CORSAIR CX650F RGB BRONZE Build...
  2. F

    Having a problem with flickering in just about every game

    I just started noticing this a couple weeks ago, I thought at first I was maybe being hypersensitive but after trying to ignore the issue I jus't cant anymore. It seems like my graphics have suddenly taken on a flickery/shimmery quality, it is most noticeable on distant objects, textures, and...
  3. M

    Which Pc Is Better!?

    So, I am looking to buy a new pc. Both of these builds are about the same price. I was wondering if you could tell me which PC is better. And also, if you could estimate how smoothly I would run ARMA2 DayZ, ARMA 3, and DayZ standalone on each build. Thank you so much! (I am not taking...