
Forum discussion tagged with magnetic.
  1. noxinum

    [SOLVED] Commander Pro & Storage Devices

    I bought the Commander Pro and it came with 2 sticky pads but in the manual, it said not to attach them to components that could be weak to magnets. I'm left wondering if the pads themselves will influence or the Commander Pro. I put it (the commander only, without the pads) on the other side of...
  2. S

    Graphics card upgrade

    I just bought a start up gaming pc and was wondering if I upgrade my graphics card slightly, would I need to upgrade anything else?
  3. P

    FX 8350 750TI Fps drops!

    I want to help a friend who currently have this build. I sold him my 750ti brand new, when i was using it i was having 120-150fps in CSGO (My CPU was an APU 7870k CPU) Now he's using what I believe a much better CPU (FX 8350) He got some massive FPS drops, for some moments he gets 200, mostly...