mechanical keyaboard

Forum discussion tagged with mechanical keyaboard.
  1. M

    Discussion New mechanical keyboard suggestions ?

    Hello, I'll keep this nice and easy and get straight to the point because this is likely the 100th post of this type here, so sorry about that. I'm looking for a new mechanical keyboard. Usage: Casual gaming, general office, and life usage I like 100% keyboards Wired Individually backlit is...
  2. L

    13-14" AMD where keyboard is most important factor (heavy typing / programming)

    ThinkPad keyboards just aren't what they used to be. I have been testing out laptop keyboards at local shops the the past couple of weeks and am not really finding any decent keyboards. For the most part all of these modern keyboards feel like junky slivers of plastic attached to flimsy mini...
  3. DREDKNOT_2077

    Question which is the better pair up for alice style ?

    Which is the better pair up for alice style the keyctron q8 or the YMDK Wings...
  4. Jarvice

    [SOLVED] Looking for matching monochrome mouse and keyboard

    I realize that this might be an odd question but I could really use some help. I have a specific look in mind for my setup but I can't quite find it online... part of the reason why I'm posting here is maybe because of my lack of Google skills. Anyways, what I'd like to buy is a mechanical...
  5. P

    [SOLVED] Urgent --- Problems with Red Dragon Keyboard

    So pretty much a couple weeks ago, my E button began to cut out sometimes, out of 10 times i pressed it, it would only activate 6 times. But for the past 2 days, my W key has began to act up. I would be sprinting in minecraft using w and would hold the key down, but it cuts out and comes back...
  6. LimpShrimpin

    [SOLVED] Mechanical keyboard keys sometimes not responding.

    sometimes when i press my D key it doesn't respond even when i hold it. I have to repeatedly press it to get it to work. It sometimes does this to my W key as well. I tried cleaning the keys with soap but that didn't work. My keyboard is the Redragon K556
  7. Armaan1029

    Question Stupid thing is going on in DEVASTATOR 3 Keyboard letter "M"

    Main Issue :- Letter "M" (ignore capital M in typing) It all started, when i was testing My keyboard with online software that how Many letters does is it work with one go, for example "QWER" "UIOP" press at once worked for Me,so i started to do with every possible letter. When i reached at...