
Forum discussion tagged with megahertz.
  1. NerdyComputerGuy

    Question Looking to buy an Xeon CPU for my 1150 board as an upgrade

    One thing I'd like to ask is I will probably go anything over the 1230 v3, the only difference between the higher models is the clock speed by like 100-300 mhz, i think the max is 4ghz. Is it worth the extra £10-40 difference with only 100-300 mhz difference or should I just get the 1230 /...
  2. D

    High CPU while playing games.

    Hello, So last week I started experiencing FPS Drops while playing PUBG, I thought that it was just the game that had the problem since it released a patch last week, though I know that it should run smoother because it got optimized for smoother gameplay. Reinstalled it thinking that I had a...
  3. A

    Help!! Acer aspire 5551 screen is black

    My acer aspire 5551-2012 has the battery light and the power is on and even my phone is charging through the computer but the Screen is black. It doesn't restart or make noises it's just a black screen. Please help.
  4. D

    DirectX device creation error

    When I try and play bf3 I get an error saying: "Failed creating D3D device of at least verion 10.0 on adapter "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M " with driver "Unknown". Error is E_FAIL ("an undetermined error occured"). This is typically caused by not having the minimum required support in the GPU...
  5. M

    My New Build Won't Detect Soundcard. Please Help

    I just purchased a Soundblaster Z soundcard and my computer is not detecting it. I am fairly new to this as this is coming from my first build but any help would be greatly appreciated.. CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 3.2GHz CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO Motherboard: ASRock Z87 Extreme4...