Migrating SSD

Forum discussion tagged with Migrating SSD.
  1. D

    [SOLVED] Migrating multiple windows form ssd to nvme

    Hi, I have a Samsung 840 pro 256GB ssd and bought an NVME Samsung 970 Evo 1TB. I used Samsung Migrating tool to migrate the two OS partitions (Windows 10 pro) to the new NVME. My second Windows 10 pro partition has various software I bought which when originally installed needed activation codes...
  2. T

    monitor case dimensions

    for a typical 19 wide screen of 16x9 regardless of the other specs what are the physical dimensions of the case? in inches. especially the distance between the lower vesa holes and the lower edge of the case? I am making my own stand and wish the monitor to sit on and be supported by the top...