Monitor Speakers

Forum discussion tagged with Monitor Speakers.
  1. InTakeYT1

    Question Monitor audio jack not working on PC

    So I have speakers hooked up to the 3.5mm jack on the monitor and it outputs sound when my nintendo switch is connected (via HDMI) but not on my pc (via DP) any ideas? In the sound control panel I have my normal headphones, Speakers Realtek USB Audio (says "not plugged in"), Headphones Realtek...
  2. C

    [SOLVED] I'm overwhelmed by Amps/DACs ?

    Hello. I'm looking into replacing my old Amplifier that i use with my monitor speakers. But after much research i feel overwhelmed... I am looking for a way to power my 16 ohm headphones and my 8 ohm, 60 Watt monitor speakers. As far as i understand i need a amplifier because my monitor...
  3. MickeyBG

    Question Annoying, loud buzzing sounds from my monitor speakers

    Hi guys! Long time no see! That might be a good thing as I would normally post when I got issues - which is the case. So I have a relatively new pair of monitor speakers (Eris E5), with which I had no issues until only recently (started a few weeks). What happens is when I turn them on, they...
  4. B

    [SOLVED] Monitor sound not working

    I just put together a new pc, everything is working great except the audio. I can hear sound through my headphones when they are plugged in, so I don't think it is a hardware issue as far as the motherboard, it is just the monitor speakers that seem to not be working. All of my drivers are...