mono issue

Forum discussion tagged with mono issue.
  1. M

    [SOLVED] Headphones not playing right stero

    Hi, recently my headphones broke and I bought a pair of headphones (JBL Live 650btnc) and when I am playing games like csgo, rainbow six siege etc it doesn't have left and right stereo and combines it into one channel. I have done research and I can't seem to find anything to fix it, some people...
  2. T

    [SOLVED] My motherboard doesn't detect gpu

    So, i want upgrade my old pc but my motherboard doesnt see gpu. I bought new gtx 760 windforce, fans work and when i plug in cable to my psu no signal disappears but i still have black screen.The monitor is in standby mode My specifications CPU: i3-2100 MOBO: Gigabyte ga-h61m-s2-b3 GPU: This gtx...