motherboard change

Forum discussion tagged with motherboard change.
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Switching motherboads from a b450m to b450

    Hi everyone. I was happily using Gigabyte B450M S2H with plans to upgrade to a X570 mobo in the future but due to unforseen circumstances I had to buy a MSI B450 Gaming Pro Max (which is still an upgrade but not what I was planning). Now what I wanted to ask is that will I have to reinstall...
  2. ElDerpo

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Transfer from old Motherboard

    Recently I decided to upgrade my motherboard, CPU, and RAM, but me not really having any experience didn't link my Microsoft account to my product key for windows 10. I still have the old Motherboard, as well as the ram and CPU that went with it and my plan was to just unplug the new stuff in my...