motherbord issues

Forum discussion tagged with motherbord issues.
  1. F

    Question PC power issue, never seen before..

    Have a strange one here.... Been building comps for log time and never come across this. So on an old desktop, functioning till recently, build (i7 2600k - Asrock Z68 Extreme7 Gen3 - ripjaw Z DDR3 2133) I seem to be having a power issue. That is, when the plug is switched on from the wall...
  2. 6henny

    [SOLVED] HELP! Installed new CPU and PC will not boot with 8-pin CPU power cable

    I was having overheating issues after 3 years of solid running with no problems. I boiled it down to a failed h100i cooler pump. (which started making whining noises) I swapped my i5-6600k for an i5-9400 just to use the stock cooler for now, and bought a GTX 1660S to replace my RX480 all for...