Mount & Blade Bannerlord

Forum discussion tagged with Mount & Blade Bannerlord.
  1. F

    [SOLVED] Weird dedicated graphics card failure, help please.

    Greetings, it's been 7 years since I bought my MSI GT72 2PE Dominator Pro Gaming Laptop and everything was fine until one month ago. I was playing a recently released game (Mount & Blade Bannerlord) when my laptop screen turned black and I had to turn off and on the computer. What I saw when the...
  2. J

    [SOLVED] So My Mouse Did Intelligent Moves By Its Own While Im Playing Game.

    So today i was playing Mount and Blade: Bannerlord, Tablut (boardgame) to be exact. Its from Steam (my brother has the account too) and original. While I was playing my mouse dragged and then clicked the ''Forfeit'' button, then accepted the warning. I tried to prevent it by dragging my mouse to...
  3. H

    [SOLVED] Can I use 6 pin on an 8 pin Graphics Card and not ruin anything?

    I just got a used RX 580 from my dad and when I went to install it I saw it uses 8 pin and my PSU only has 2x6 pin. I ordered an adapter to change 6 pin to 8 pin and it will be here in a few days. In the meantime is it safe to just plug one of the 6 pin? I don't want to wreck anything by being...
  4. A

    New Build Assessment

    I'm building a system that is going to be specifically oriented for VR gaming. Not that I wouldn't be able to do anything else with it, but VR is where I'm really focused. The problem is that I don't know what "good" looks like. I understand the numbers, but I don't know where they will actually...