Mouse Problems

Forum discussion tagged with Mouse Problems.
  1. drodi4

    Question Mouse cursor lagging a lot

    So, yesterday I had to change rooms in my house so I had to get my PC to the other room, so normally I just reinstalled everything in the new place exactly like it was before, same cables in the same inputs, but for some reason my PC started to show some problems, like my audio was crackling (it...
  2. W

    Question USB devices occasionally stutter ?

    Every 2-10 seconds, my cursor will suddenly stutter for a few seconds. I've tried reinstalling drivers, different USB ports, different cables for the dongle, and even tried a different mouse, which leads me to believe this is a software or internal hardware issue. I'm not sure where to even...
  3. K

    [SOLVED] Constant Mouse Cursor Stutter on Desktop

    My mouse/ cursor has constant stutter even with no cpu or gpu load. I cannot figure out why and it even stutters in bios menu. It stutters intermittently but is very nooticeable when it is doing it which happens to be at least every 3 seconds. I recently installed windows 11 and a Ryzen 5900x...
  4. TyroneTiggles

    Question Recently built PC having 'floaty' mouse problems and wallpaper magically going black ?

    First time poster here so ill keep it nice and simple! So whats the issue I am having? Well, I'll list them out below as each doesn't seem to be tied to one another but may be? When unplugging a USB device from my computer case's front USB hub, the PC's wallpaper goes black instantly across...
  5. adooley8

    Question Funny 2700x behaviour

    I’ve had my Ryzen 7 2700x almost a year now and it’s always performed like a champ but lately I’ve noticed some weird behaviours and was looking for a second opinion. So around Christmas I replaced the thermal paste between my CPU and the H100i v2 I have cooling it and since I’ve done so the...
  6. K

    playing steam games off a external hard drive?

    Apologies for not knowing, but I wanted to know if it was possible to play steam games off a external drive? I heard that it would need to be at least 7200 rpm and usb 3.0. Is it okay? and regardless whether or not it does, can anyone recommended one?
  7. chris052692

    Blue Screen due to Hardware Incompatibility?

    Hello Mobo community, I've got a very slight conundrum here with Blue Screens of Death happening randomly and without any warning. So, I upgraded my PC about a few months ago and I thought everything had installed correctly. I'm fairly confident that I have the right parts and my case is...